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 View crashlog
Application:    muiowb
Short:    Crash (GR) on askubuntu.com
OS4Depot Path:    network/browser/muiowb.lha
Version:    1.9
CreatedBy:    thematic    CreatedAt:    20120919 07:23
Crashlog URL:    http://crashlog.os4depot.net/cl351
When you browse askubuntu.com, MUIOWB won't crash immediately, but soon. This has happened more than once, last time outlined: started the browser, loaded askubuntu main page, picked a topic to load, scrolled it down and back up. Opened a new tab and requested aminet to it (typing it in) = crash.
Crash log for task "OWB"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.5
Crash occured in module  at address 0x661DFDB0
Type of crash: ISI (Instruction Storage Interrupt) exception

Register dump:
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
   0: 661DFDB0 68D875A0 00000000 661DFDB8 68D875E4 00000400 00000000 0816B77C 
   8: 67232C48 6C433D84 01663168 01DB68A6 28842048 68F39558 00000000 00000000 
  16: 6C433340 7E82F240 00000000 6B93EC40 69780000 68D87CB8 6B7D8BE4 6961AAD0 
  24: 000F4BAC 68D87CB8 68E34F14 68D875E4 661DFDB8 00000001 68E5D698 68D875C4 

FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number):
   0:              nan                0                0                0 
   4:                0                0                1                0 
   8:                0                0                1                0 
  12:       4.5036e+15      1.34802e+09      5.2637e-299       3.8417e+19 
  16:      4.08097e+25     4.77962e-299      7.26258e+17    -2.18221e-106 
  20:                0                1      1.37448e+11      1.2663e-297 
  24:     8.20859e-145     9.40277e+254     2.23888e-296     1.00241e-279 
  28:                0                0      1.34802e+09      1.34802e+09 

FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0xA2002100

SPRs (Special Purpose Registers):
           Machine State (msr) : 0x1000F030
                Condition (cr) : 0x28842082
      Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x661DFDB0
       Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x00000000
                   Count (ctr) : 0x661DFDB0
                     Link (lr) : 0x7F3B514C
            DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x40000000
            Data Address (dar) : 0x00000004

680x0 emulated registers:
DATA: 6C51791E 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
ADDR: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 68D87340 
FPU0:                0                0                0                0 
FPU4:                0                0                0                0 

Symbol info:
Instruction pointer 0x661DFDB0 belongs to module "" (HUNK/Kickstart)

Stack trace:
    OWB:_ZN7WebCore5TimerINS_18SocketStreamHandleEE5firedEv()+0x30 (section 1 @ 0xB87D48)
    OWB:_ZN7WebCore12ThreadTimers24sharedTimerFiredInternalEv()+0x140 (section 1 @ 0x11A890)
    OWB:_ZN7WebCore12ThreadTimers16sharedTimerFiredEv()+0x3c (section 1 @ 0x11A8F4)
    OWB:_ZN7WebCore17fireTimerIfNeededEv()+0x30 (section 1 @ 0x10F5D4)
    OWB:_ZN14WebViewPrivate21fireWebKitTimerEventsEv()+0x10 (section 1 @ 0xA5204)
    OWB:_ZN7WebView21fireWebKitTimerEventsEv()+0x14 (section 1 @ 0x881E0)
    OWB:_ZL28handleMM_OWBApp_WebKitEventsP6IClassPmP4_Msg()+0x78 (section 1 @ 0x4AC8)
    OWB:_ZL8dispatchP6IClassPmP4_Msg()+0x310 (section 1 @ 0xC8C4)
    muimaster.library:CustomClassDispatcher()+0xa0 (section 1 @ 0x4158)
    native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00018178
    native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x0001839c
    native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00008424
    native kernel module intuition.library.kmod+0x00008064
    OWB:_Z9main_loopv()+0x228 (section 1 @ 0x11D8)
    OWB:main()+0x12c (section 1 @ 0x134C)
    native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x0000208c
    native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002cec
    native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002eb0
    OWB:_start()+0x170 (section 1 @ 0x170)
    native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x0002295c
    native kernel module kernel+0x00041748
    native kernel module kernel+0x000417c8

PPC disassembly:
 661dfda8: fffffff9   fmsub.            f31,f31,f31,f31
 661dfdac: 7f3d3104   .word             0x7F3D3104
*661dfdb0: 00000048   .word             0x00000048
 661dfdb4: 000000d9   .word             0x000000D9
 661dfdb8: 6c433d84   xoris             r3,r2,15748

System information:

 Model: IBM PowerPC 750 FX V2.2 
 CPU speed: 800 MHz 
 FSB speed: 133 MHz 
 Extensions: performancemonitor 

 Machine name: AmigaOne 
 Memory: 524288 KB 
 Extensions: bus.pci bus.agp 

Expansion buses 
  00:00.0 Vendor 0x10CC Device 0x0660 
   Range 0: 00000000 - 00400000 (PREF.MEM) 
  00:01.0 Vendor 0x10CC Device 0x0661 
  00:06.0 Vendor 0x10B7 Device 0x9200 
   Range 0: 00802000 - 00802080 (IO) 
   Range 1: 98100000 - 98100080 (MEM) 
  00:07.0 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x0686 
  00:07.1 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x0571 
   Range 0: 000001F0 - 000001F8 (IO) 
   Range 1: 000003F0 - 000003F8 (IO) 
   Range 2: 00000170 - 00000178 (IO) 
   Range 3: 00000370 - 00000378 (IO) 
   Range 4: 0000CC00 - 0000CC10 (IO) 
  00:07.2 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3038 
   Range 4: 00802080 - 008020A0 (IO) 
  00:07.3 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3038 
   Range 4: 008020A0 - 008020C0 (IO) 
  00:07.4 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3057 
  00:07.5 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3058 
   Range 0: 0000DC00 - 0000DD00 (IO) 
   Range 1: 0000E000 - 0000E008 (IO) 
   Range 2: 0000E400 - 0000E408 (IO) 
  00:07.6 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3068 
   Range 0: 00802300 - 00802400 (IO) 
  00:08.0 Vendor 0x1095 Device 0x3112 
   Range 0: 00802400 - 00802408 (IO) 
   Range 1: 00802408 - 00802410 (IO) 
   Range 2: 00802410 - 00802418 (IO) 
   Range 3: 00802418 - 00802420 (IO) 
   Range 4: 00802420 - 00802430 (IO) 
  00:0A.0 Vendor 0x1319 Device 0x0801 
   Range 0: 00802480 - 00802500 (IO) 
  00:0A.1 Vendor 0x1319 Device 0x0802 
   Range 0: 00802500 - 00802510 (IO) 
  01:00.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x5961 
   Range 0: 80000000 - 88000000 (PREF.MEM) 
   Range 1: 00002000 - 00002100 (IO) 
   Range 2: 88000000 - 88010000 (MEM) 
  01:00.1 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x5941 
   Range 0: 90000000 - 98000000 (PREF.MEM) 
   Range 1: 98000000 - 98010000 (MEM) 

 0x6c53b298: ISO-8859-15.charset V52.1 
 0x6c53b198: finnish_ISO-8859-15.language V52.1 
 0x01db68a6: exec.library V53.34 
 0x6ff59174: vilintuisup.library V0.9 
 0x6ff59048: cgxvideo.library V42.1 
 0x6ff620e0: cybergraphics.library V43.0 
 0x696097c8: xenbar.image V20.213 
 0x69609690: Lamp.mcc V20.34 
 0x696095f0: Gauge.mui V20.249 
 0x696094b0: Dtpic.mui V20.214 
 0x696092d0: Popasl.mui V20.223 
 0x69609190: BetterString.mcc V11.23 
 0x6a655f40: Listtree.mcc V20.118 
 0x69811a7c: codesets.library V6.14 
 0x6960c27c: muimaster.library V20.2344 
 0x6b7a9ca4: asyncio.library V50.3 
 0x6a6cfc38: pthreads.library V53.9 
 0x6a655d60: palette.gadget V53.6 
 0x69811640: texteditor.gadget V53.20 
 0x6a655ae0: ilbm.datatype V53.2 
 0x697c2288: radiobutton.gadget V53.9 
 0x697a0b68: SubDock.docky V53.1 
 0x6a6cf9b8: Clock.docky V53.10 
 0x6a655540: slider.gadget V53.12 
 0x6b8cbf30: getfont.gadget V53.9 
 0x6b784480: arexx.class V53.3 
 0x6a6554a0: getfile.gadget V53.11 
 0x6a3f2938: clicktab.gadget V53.39 
 0x6a9a1bc0: requester.class V53.18 
 0x6b8cbc10: space.gadget V53.6 
 0x6b8cbdf0: bitmap.image V53.9 
 0x6b8cb8f0: integer.gadget V53.10 
 0x6c5ffe48: chooser.gadget V53.18 
 0x6b8cbd50: penmap.image V53.5 
 0x6a3f2198: via-ac97.audio V5.9 
 0x6b8cb7b0: checkbox.gadget V53.9 
 0x6c6a7f28: fm801.audio V5.4 
 0x6c5ffc84: filesave.audio V6.3 
 0x6b8f37d4: asl.library V53.46 
 0x6ff91e38: listbrowser.gadget V53.52 
 0x6c5fd290: string.gadget V53.16 
 0x6b7845c0: scroller.gadget V53.13 
 0x6b6d4474: device.audio V6.2 
 0x6c278f50: jpeg.datatype V53.5 
 0x6b952558: emulation.library V53.1 
 0x6b95e320: bsdsocket.library V4.307 
 0x6c278ae8: timesync.library V53.5 
 0x6c26aaa4: usergroup.library V4.30 
 0x6c45d32c: hid.usbfd V53.7 
 0x6c45d1e0: mathieeedoubbas.library V52.1 
 0x6c26d62c: textclip.library V52.2 
 0x6c2785f0: button.gadget V53.15 
 0x6c278730: glyph.image V53.3 
 0x6c46ab30: window.class V53.48 
 0x6c25c068: popupmenu.class V53.2 
 0x6c4ff308: popupmenu.library V53.8 
 0x6c278370: label.image V53.12 
 0x6ff59c78: layout.gadget V53.19 
 0x6c2fae60: bevel.image V53.6 
 0x6c2780f0: drawlist.image V53.3 
 0x6c53dae0: png.datatype V53.6 
 0x6c51d864: picture.datatype V53.6 
 0x6c5fdc48: timezone.library V53.6 
 0x6c542988: application.library V53.12 
 0x6c5ff94c: ft2.library V53.1 
 0x6c57308c: workbench.library V53.45 
 0x6fffb6cc: commodities.library V53.1 
 0x6c5f0140: datatypes.library V53.4 
 0x6c5bd750: Picasso96API.library V53.4 
 0x6c5bc870: gadtools.library V53.4 
 0x6fe968cc: icon.library V53.13 
 0x6c6aa8d8: version.library V53.10 
 0x6c61ba40: iffparse.library V53.1 
 0x6fdc91cc: locale.library V53.4 
 0x6ff827ac: diskfont.library V53.4 
 0x6ff8fe58: petunia.library V53.4 
 0x6ff8fcd8: diskcache.library V3.30 
 0x6fd8666c: dos.library V53.112 
 0x6ff59534: usbprivate.library V53.12 
 0x6ff3533c: massstorage.usbfd V53.13 
 0x6ff352a8: bootkeyboard.usbfd V52.3 
 0x6ff35228: bootmouse.usbfd V53.1 
 0x6ff593ec: hub.usbfd V53.8 
 0x6ff5924c: usbresource.library V53.12 
 0x6ff81658: hunk.library V53.4 
 0x6ff8f354: elf.library V53.18 
 0x6ff894d0: intuition.library V53.35 
 0x6ff3f150: rtg.library V53.28 
 0x6ff92920: ATIRadeon.chip V53.25 
 0x6ff928a4: PCIGraphics.card V53.4 
 0x6ff9da10: keymap.library V53.3 
 0x6ff57170: layers.library V53.7 
 0x6ffb0420: graphics.library V53.4 
 0x6ff810e4: nonvolatile.library V53.5 
 0x6ff9e2b8: newlib.library V53.19 
 0x6ff901ac: utility.library V53.3 
 0x6ff9d0a8: expansion.library V53.1 
 0x6c51791e: rexxsyslib.library V45.7 (Legacy) 

 0x6fdd6bc4: eth3com.device V53.2 
 0x6ba03454: ahi.device V6.6 
 0x6ff90d10: usbsys.device V53.12 
 0x6ff81af0: ehci.usbhcd V53.17 
 0x6ff81a50: ohci.usbhcd V53.19 
 0x6ff819b0: uhci.usbhcd V53.12 
 0x6ff818e4: sii3112ide.device V53.15 
 0x6ff83318: a1floppy.device V53.1 
 0x6fffb338: console.device V53.1 
 0x6ff913f0: ramdrive.device V52.6 
 0x6ff9dc5c: input.device V53.4 
 0x6ff823b4: keyboard.device V53.10 
 0x6ff912d0: timer.device V53.1 

 ClickToFront (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a907004 - 0x6a92effc, pointer @ 0x6a92e9f0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc000d000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 input.device (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6ff47000 - 0x6ff57000, pointer @ 0x6ff56f00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 SFS DosList handler (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fd21004 - 0x6fd23ffc, pointer @ 0x6fd23f20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 USB stack (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6febb000 - 0x6febf000, pointer @ 0x6febef20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf8007000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 UHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fe26000 - 0x6fe2e000, pointer @ 0x6fe2df20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xbe001000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 page_sweep (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fe36004 - 0x6fe3dffc, pointer @ 0x6fe3de70 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 sii3112ide.device - chip 0 port 0 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fe8e000 - 0x6fe96000, pointer @ 0x6fe95f30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x20000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 eth3com.device (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x696a8004 - 0x696cfffc, pointer @ 0x696cfef0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0001000, SigWait 0x10000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 sii3112ide.device - chip 0 port 1 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fe66000 - 0x6fe6e000, pointer @ 0x6fe6df30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00008000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 FD0/FastFileSystem 53.2  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fd2f004 - 0x6fd31ffc, pointer @ 0x6fd31ed0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xa8000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 hid.usbfd (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fd9a004 - 0x6fda1ffc, pointer @ 0x6fda1ee0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 HID Mouse (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6b98c004 - 0x6b9b3ffc, pointer @ 0x6b9b3f20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DL0/Ext2FileSystem 0.41  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c1a1004 - 0x6c1c8ffc, pointer @ 0x6c1c8f60 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xd0000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 RAM/ram-handler 53.3  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c893004 - 0x6c89affc, pointer @ 0x6c89ac90 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CD0/CDFileSystem 53.2  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fd28004 - 0x6fd2affc, pointer @ 0x6fd2af20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DH1/SmartFilesystem 1.290  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c9b2004 - 0x6c9b4ffc, pointer @ 0x6c9b4eb0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0000100, SigWait 0x10000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DH2/SmartFilesystem 1.290  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fd1a004 - 0x6fd1cffc, pointer @ 0x6fd1ceb0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0000100, SigWait 0x10000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 reaper.task (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c71b004 - 0x6c722ffc, pointer @ 0x6c722ea0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00007000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 dos_filedir_notify (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fd52004 - 0x6fd55ffc, pointer @ 0x6fd55ad0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x40001000, SigWait 0x80000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DH0/SmartFilesystem 1.290  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c9ab004 - 0x6c9adffc, pointer @ 0x6c9adeb0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0000100, SigWait 0x10000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 pager (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c6f7004 - 0x6c716ffc, pointer @ 0x6c716f00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 ENV/env-handler 52.2  (Ready) 
  Stack: 0x6c9b9004 - 0x6c9bbffc, pointer @ 0x6c9bbda0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x80000100 
  State: Process (Ready) 
 RANDOM/Random-Handler 52.1  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6ba96004 - 0x6babdffc, pointer @ 0x6babdef0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 URL/launch-handler 53.32  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6baca004 - 0x6bb44ffc, pointer @ 0x6bb3fac0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 console.device (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fef7000 - 0x6feff000, pointer @ 0x6fefef70 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 CON/con-handler 53.1  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x69144004 - 0x6916bffc, pointer @ 0x6916bde0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON/con-handler 53.1  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a66b004 - 0x6a692ffc, pointer @ 0x6a692de0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON/con-handler 53.1  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a747004 - 0x6a76effc, pointer @ 0x6a76ede0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON/con-handler 53.1  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a873004 - 0x6a89affc, pointer @ 0x6a89ade0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON/con-handler 53.1  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a9a7004 - 0x6a9ceffc, pointer @ 0x6a9cede0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON/con-handler 53.1  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a3ff004 - 0x6a426ffc, pointer @ 0x6a426de0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 AUDIO/AHI-Handler 6.2  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6bba9004 - 0x6bbd0ffc, pointer @ 0x6bbd0ec0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON/con-handler 53.1  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c837004 - 0x6c83effc, pointer @ 0x6c83ede0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 RAW/con-handler 53.1  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c89f004 - 0x6c8a6ffc, pointer @ 0x6c8a6de0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON/con-handler 53.1  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c8ab004 - 0x6c8b2ffc, pointer @ 0x6c8b2de0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 FD0 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6ffa6000 - 0x6ffa7f40, pointer @ 0x6ffa7e70 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x10000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 dos_nbmd_process (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fd61004 - 0x6fd63ffc, pointer @ 0x6fd63f30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00001100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 dos_lock_handler (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fd5a004 - 0x6fd5cffc, pointer @ 0x6fd5cf10 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00001100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 RexxMaster [] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6b9b8004 - 0x6b9dfffc, pointer @ 0x6b9dff50 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 TEXTCLIP/textclip-handler 52.2  (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6bb55004 - 0x6bb7cffc, pointer @ 0x6bb7ceb0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 compose.task (Ready) 
  Stack: 0x6aad1000 - 0x6aad9000, pointer @ 0x6aad8f30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000021, SigWait 0x00000020 
  State: Task (Ready) 
 Workbench [Workbench] (Ready) 
  Stack: 0x6b827004 - 0x6b84effc, pointer @ 0x6b84eea0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x80000100 
  State: Process (Ready) 
 ramlib (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c669004 - 0x6c681ffc, pointer @ 0x6c681f20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Workbench DosList Notify (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6b8f8004 - 0x6b91fffc, pointer @ 0x6b91ff40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00003000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 BetterString.mcc clipboard server (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6923e004 - 0x69240ffc, pointer @ 0x69240ef0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 MUI imagespace screen notify (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6b7fb004 - 0x6b822ffc, pointer @ 0x6b822d70 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 texteditor.gadget Clipboard Server (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x691f4004 - 0x69224ffc, pointer @ 0x69224f00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 ContextMenus Command Dispatcher [ContextMenus Command Dispatcher] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x697d9004 - 0x69800ffc, pointer @ 0x69800f40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 string.gadget server (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a457004 - 0x6a47effc, pointer @ 0x6a47edb0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x40000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Workbench Clipboard Server (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x69eab004 - 0x69ed2ffc, pointer @ 0x69ed2f00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 AmiDock (Ready) 
  Stack: 0x6a42b004 - 0x6a452ffc, pointer @ 0x6a452910 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Ready) 
 RinghioServer (Ready) 
  Stack: 0x6a77b004 - 0x6a7a2ffc, pointer @ 0x6a7a2370 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xd8001000, SigWait 0x10000100 
  State: Process (Ready) 
 TCP/IP Control (Ready) 
  Stack: 0x6b65f004 - 0x6b686ffc, pointer @ 0x6b686dc0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf8009080, SigWait 0x40000000 
  State: Process (Ready) 
 hub.usbfd (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fde2004 - 0x6fde9ffc, pointer @ 0x6fde9f00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 CPUTemp.docky (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a697004 - 0x6a6beffc, pointer @ 0x6a6beb60 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x40001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 TCP/IP Superserver [TCP/IP Superserver] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6b693004 - 0x6b6baffc, pointer @ 0x6b6ba9f0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xd0000080, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 [OWB] IconDatabase (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x68b9a004 - 0x68c8effc, pointer @ 0x68c8eeb0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Exchange (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x69967004 - 0x6998effc, pointer @ 0x6998ed30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc000d000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 FKey [] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a7db004 - 0x6a802ffc, pointer @ 0x6a802d20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc000d000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Shell Process [] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x69170004 - 0x69197ffc, pointer @ 0x69197ba0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 TCP/IP Configuration (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6b6db004 - 0x6b702ffc, pointer @ 0x6b702e10 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf8003000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 ASYNCWB (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a483004 - 0x6a4aaffc, pointer @ 0x6a4aae80 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 ContextMenus [] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a8a7004 - 0x6a8ceffc, pointer @ 0x6a8cec50 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 RAWBInfo (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a973004 - 0x6a99affc, pointer @ 0x6a99aec0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DefIcons (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a9d3004 - 0x6a9faffc, pointer @ 0x6a9fadc0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80009000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 « IPrefs » (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c4c7004 - 0x6c4eeffc, pointer @ 0x6c4eea30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x0000f000, SigWait 0x20000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 TCP/IP Log (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6b70f004 - 0x6b736ffc, pointer @ 0x6b736f00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80003000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 ConClip (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6ba62004 - 0x6ba89ffc, pointer @ 0x6ba89eb0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 USB stack Process (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c1f0004 - 0x6c217ffc, pointer @ 0x6c217ee0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 datatypes.library (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c2c6004 - 0x6c2edffc, pointer @ 0x6c2edf10 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00001100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DST watcher (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c392004 - 0x6c3b9ffc, pointer @ 0x6c3b9f20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 application.library messageserver (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c405000 - 0x6c405fa0, pointer @ 0x6c405f10 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 hub.usbfd (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fdbe004 - 0x6fdc5ffc, pointer @ 0x6fdc5f00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 OWB [OWB] (Crashed) 
  Stack: 0x68c93004 - 0x68d87ffc, pointer @ 0x68d875a0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x0f40d000, SigWait 0x08400180 
  State: Process (Crashed) 
 ramlib.support (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c686004 - 0x6c69effc, pointer @ 0x6c69ef00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80005000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 dos_signal_server (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fd68004 - 0x6fd6affc, pointer @ 0x6fd6af10 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x0000f000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Picasso96 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6c58b004 - 0x6c5b2ffc, pointer @ 0x6c5b2d70 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 LimpidClock (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x696d4004 - 0x69704ffc, pointer @ 0x697045c0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf0001000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 dos_appdir_server (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fd6f004 - 0x6fd71ffc, pointer @ 0x6fd71d40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 idle.task (Ready) 
  Stack: 0x6ff80000 - 0x6ff81000, pointer @ 0x6ff80fc0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Ready) 
Copyright (c) 2004-2025 by Björn Hagström. All Rights Reserved