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 View Crashlogs submitted by hypex
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ID    Application    Short    Version    By    IP    Created    
385    odyssey    Crash in MP3 media player    1.23    hypex        20140528 16:26    
326    muiowb    Reproducable crash on website    1.9    hypex        20120204 15:05    
67    xad_7z    Causes a hang on Unarc        hypex        20080903 18:03    
28    install sdk    Crash while reinstalling SDK.    setup 51.1    hypex        20080330 08:27    
27    notepad    Froze during a find and replace.    52.1    hypex        20080330 08:23    
26    multiview    Frozen when I pressed mouse menu button        hypex        20080330 08:11    
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