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 View crashlog
Application:    xad_7z
Short:    Causes a hang on Unarc
OS4Depot Path:    utility/archive/xad_7z.lha
CreatedBy:    hypex    CreatedAt:    20080903 18:03
Crashlog URL:    http://crashlog.os4depot.net/cl67
This is actually from my debug buffer. There is no Reaper at all but Unarc just hangs there. It was a really big 7 zip file so it might not be 7 zips fault as the crash is in my Sii0860 ide driver. However I thought I would report it as I have only noticed the issue so far with 7 zip.
sii0680ide.device 52.1 (09.12.2006)
Dump of context at 0xEFFEF7A0
Trap type: DSI exception
Machine State (raw): 0x0000D030
Machine State (verbose): [ExtInt on] [User] [IAT on] [DAT on] 
Instruction pointer: in module Kickstart/newlib.library.kmod+0x00007274 (0x019E98F4)
Crashed task: sii0680ide.device - chip 0 port 0 (0x6FF64AE0)
 0: CB62965C 6FE97B40 00000000 5A99F010 6FE7EFF4 00000010 00000001 0000966F
 8: 00000003 5A9AE000 5A9AE004 00000004 24422044 00000000 00000000 00000000
16: 00000000 00000000 6FE97F0A 6FE97F0F 6FE97F08 6FE97F12 D6630000 00000000
24: 0000000C 6FF23110 6FF8F540 00000000 5A99F010 6FF23000 6FE70000 00000000
CR: 44422084   XER: 00000000  CTR: 00000000  LR: 01A6BF2C
DSISR: 42000000  DAR: 5A9AE000
DSI verbose error description: Access not found in hash or BAT (page fault)
Access was a store operation

Registers pointing to code:
ip : native kernel module Kickstart/newlib.library.kmod+0x00007274
lr : native kernel module Kickstart/sii0680ide.device.kmod+0x0000B08C
ctr: unknown (0x00000000)

Stack Backtrace:
native kernel module Kickstart/newlib.library.kmod+0x00007274
native kernel module Kickstart/sii0680ide.device.kmod+0x00005364
native kernel module Kickstart/sii0680ide.device.kmod+0x00005A98
native kernel module Kickstart/sii0680ide.device.kmod+0x00005594
native kernel module Kickstart/sii0680ide.device.kmod+0x0000345C
native kernel module Kickstart/kernel+0x00019C04

Disassembly of crash site:
 019E98E4: 80040000   lwz               r0,0(r4)
 019E98E8: 390BFFFF   subi              r8,r11,1
 019E98EC: 39490004   addi              r10,r9,4
 019E98F0: 38840004   addi              r4,r4,4
>019E98F4: 90090000   stw               r0,0(r9)
 019E98F8: 5500077E   rlwinm            r0,r8,0,29,31
 019E98FC: 39200001   li                r9,1
 019E9900: 419E0118   beq-              cr7,0x19E9A18
 019E9904: 2F800000   cmpwi             cr7,r0,0
 019E9908: 419E00B4   beq-              cr7,0x19E99BC
Stack pointer (0x6FE97B40) is inside bounds
Redzone is OK (4)

68k register dump
DATA: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ADDR: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
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