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 View crashlog
Application:    owb
Short:    Crash with Acid3 Test
OS4Depot Path:    
Version:    1.21
CreatedBy:    K-L (    CreatedAt:    20080419 22:22
Crashlog URL:    http://crashlog.os4depot.net/cl42
OWB 1.21 craches when trying to pass the Acid3 test. Just befor the crash, it opens a requester to save the file "empty.xml" to the HD.
Crash log for task "OWB"
Generated by GrimReaper 52.3
Crash occured in module OWB at address 0x7EAF6C28
Type of crash: DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) exception

Register dump:
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
   0: 67527B0C 68A57070 495B2049 67527B1C 00000000 67527B1C 00000006 00000007 
   8: 00000020 600000B8 00000000 D800002E 0000079C 6752F0E8 68A575D0 68A575CC 
  16: 662729CC 68A575D4 662729CC 66252490 68A571A4 658D8A68 68A57178 68A5717C 
  24: 1B674DBF 1800002E 675279B8 68D07E87 28000028 68D07E5F 674E8630 67527B1C 

FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number):
   0:              nan                0                0                0 
   4:                1     -7.88885e-10                0                0 
   8:              800              255              0.5              nan 
  12:       4.5036e+15         0.520123     1.05327e-122     -8.27142e+31 
  16:    -9.49295e+184    -1.70359e+267    -2.57967e+227    -1.57807e+111 
  20:    -1.10865e-120     -4.14179e+17    -1.37376e-127     -1.2345e+268 
  24:    -7.37222e+224     -6.89356e-73    -3.58835e+258     -6.81754e+78 
  28:     3.23266e+164     -2.1686e+194    -1.15743e-151      1.20864e+09 

FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0xA2062100

SPRs (Special Purpose Registers):
           Machine State (msr) : 0x0000F030
                Condition (cr) : 0x425D2E44
      Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x7EAF6C28
       Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x40004D5D
                   Count (ctr) : 0x00000000
                     Link (lr) : 0x7EAF79C0
            DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x40000000
            Data Address (dar) : 0xC7527BD4

680x0 emulated registers:
DATA: 6AE3E1FE 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
ADDR: 690F8C80 6BA54344 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 68A4F8B0 
FPU0:                0                0                0                0 
FPU4:                0                0                0                0 

Symbol info:
Instruction pointer 0x7EAF6C28 belongs to module "OWB" (HUNK/Kickstart)

Stack trace:
    module OWB at 0x7EAF6C28 (section 5 @ 0x2C08)
    module OWB at 0x7EAF8580 (section 5 @ 0x4560)
    module OWB at 0x7EAF85F0 (section 5 @ 0x45D0)
    module OWB at 0x7EDF645C (section 5 @ 0x30243C)
    module OWB at 0x7EDCCB1C (section 5 @ 0x2D8AFC)
    module OWB at 0x7EDCCD58 (section 5 @ 0x2D8D38)
    module OWB at 0x7EDCCE94 (section 5 @ 0x2D8E74)
    module OWB at 0x7EDCB6D4 (section 5 @ 0x2D76B4)
    module OWB at 0x7EDE48A8 (section 5 @ 0x2F0888)
    module OWB at 0x7EDE4C94 (section 5 @ 0x2F0C74)
    module OWB at 0x7EDE4EC8 (section 5 @ 0x2F0EA8)
    module OWB at 0x7EDE5228 (section 5 @ 0x2F1208)
    module OWB at 0x7EDD206C (section 5 @ 0x2DE04C)
    module OWB at 0x7EDD21DC (section 5 @ 0x2DE1BC)
    module OWB at 0x7EDD37C8 (section 5 @ 0x2DF7A8)
    module OWB at 0x7ED9EDD8 (section 5 @ 0x2AADB8)
    module OWB at 0x7EAF98B8 (section 5 @ 0x5898)
    native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00000de4
    native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002380
    native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000028e0
    _start()+0x180 (section 1 @ 0x180)
    native kernel module kernel+0x00035be0
    native kernel module kernel+0x00035c60

PPC disassembly:
 7eaf6c20: 3bfa0164   addi              r31,r26,356
 7eaf6c24: 5569103a   rlwinm            r9,r11,2,0,29
*7eaf6c28: 7c09f82e   lwzx              r0,r9,r31
 7eaf6c2c: 7f80d800   cmpw              cr7,r0,r27
 7eaf6c30: 419e08d0   beq-              cr7,0x7EAF7500

System information:

 Model: IBM PowerPC 750 FX V2.2 
 CPU speed: 800 MHz 
 FSB speed: 133 MHz 
 Extensions: performancemonitor 

 Machine name: AmigaOne 
 Memory: 524288 KB 
 Extensions: bus.pci bus.agp 

Expansion buses 
  00:00.0 Vendor 0x10CC Device 0x0660 
   Range 0: 00000000 - 00400000 (PREF.MEM) 
  00:01.0 Vendor 0x10CC Device 0x0661 
  00:06.0 Vendor 0x10B7 Device 0x9200 
   Range 0: 00802000 - 00802080 (IO) 
   Range 1: 98100000 - 98100080 (MEM) 
  00:07.0 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x0686 
  00:07.1 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x0571 
   Range 4: 0000CC00 - 0000CC10 (IO) 
  00:07.2 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3038 
   Range 4: 00802080 - 008020A0 (IO) 
  00:07.3 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3038 
   Range 4: 008020A0 - 008020C0 (IO) 
  00:07.4 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3057 
  00:07.5 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3058 
   Range 0: 0000DC00 - 0000DD00 (IO) 
   Range 1: 0000E000 - 0000E008 (IO) 
   Range 2: 0000E400 - 0000E408 (IO) 
  00:07.6 Vendor 0x1106 Device 0x3068 
   Range 0: 00802300 - 00802400 (IO) 
  01:00.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x5960 
   Range 0: 80000000 - 88000000 (PREF.MEM) 
   Range 1: 00002000 - 00002100 (IO) 
   Range 2: 88000000 - 88010000 (MEM) 
  01:00.1 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x5940 
   Range 0: 90000000 - 98000000 (PREF.MEM) 
   Range 1: 98000000 - 98010000 (MEM) 

 0x6bb450d8: ISO-8859-15.charset V52.1 
 0x6bb45058: french_ISO-8859-15.language V52.1 
 0x01da3c22: exec.library V52.8 
 0x6ff6c174: vilintuisup.library V0.9 
 0x6ff6c048: cgxvideo.library V42.1 
 0x6ff3a0e0: cybergraphics.library V43.0 
 0x690c2810: arexx.class V52.1 
 0x69dedf48: pthreads.library V52.2 
 0x67106250: muiscreen.library V20.334 
 0x669c8b48: amissl_v097g.library V3.7 
 0x68cc87e8: amisslmaster.library V3.7 
 0x679471f0: fuelgauge.gadget V52.1 
 0x684ef180: Popmenu.mui V20.57 
 0x6a7c5444: javascript.library V3.25 
 0x6a90722e: Busy.mcc V17.37 (Legacy) 
 0x69498200: Popasl.mui V20.179 
 0x6bb456de: Newstring.mcc V16.18 (Legacy) 
 0x694982a0: Floattext.mui V20.176 
 0x69498520: Listtree.mcc V20.21 
 0x694336d8: via-ac97.audio V5.7 
 0x69de8e58: dvdvcd.plugin V51.2 
 0x69155f30: avcodec.library V51.52 
 0x69de8f58: dca.codec V51.1 
 0x69ded0c8: a52.codec V52.2 
 0x6fdd985a: sha.library V1.0 (Legacy) 
 0x69d7be5c: ripemd.library V1.0 (Legacy) 
 0x6a9a9658: rc5.library V1.0 (Legacy) 
 0x69155690: rc4.library V1.0 (Legacy) 
 0x691eb528: rc2.library V1.0 (Legacy) 
 0x69d7bbd6: mdc2.library V1.0 (Legacy) 
 0x69d7ba9c: md5.library V1.0 (Legacy) 
 0x691f203c: md2.library V1.0 (Legacy) 
 0x69d7b96e: idea.library V1.0 (Legacy) 
 0x6a13aed6: des.library V1.0 (Legacy) 
 0x6915b048: cast.library V1.0 (Legacy) 
 0x6a4586ce: blowfish.library V1.0 (Legacy) 
 0x69145052: amissl.library V1.0 (Legacy) 
 0x69498700: Gauge.mui V20.205 
 0x69498480: muiwinborder.class V20.253 
 0x69534730: muipropg.class V20.251 
 0x695345e8: xenbar.image V20.172 
 0x695344b0: Imagedisplay.mui V20.181 
 0x69534370: Pendisplay.mui V20.172 
 0x695342d0: NListview.mcc V19.75 
 0x695340f0: TheButton.mcc V26.1 
 0x69534050: TheBarVirt.mcc V26.1 
 0x69534230: Virtgroup.mui V20.352 
 0x69debe00: TextEditor.mcc V15.26 
 0x69debd60: NListtree.mcc V18.27 
 0x69debf40: NList.mcc V20.120 
 0x69debcc0: BetterString.mcc V11.14 
 0x69deacf0: simplehtml.library V0.20 
 0x6a87ab8c: muiconfig.library V20.329 
 0x6b422368: muigfx.library V20.510 
 0x69da8918: muilowlevel.library V20.349 
 0x6ba97b6c: muimaster.library V20.2277 
 0x69dea968: CPUTemp.docky V52.14 
 0x69df0640: getfont.gadget V52.1 
 0x6a8127e8: popupmenu.library V52.1 
 0x6a812290: texteditor.gadget V52.1 
 0x69e3e9d8: popupmenu.class V52.1 
 0x6a7c5160: getfile.gadget V52.1 
 0x6a86e828: listbrowser.gadget V52.3 
 0x69e3e3d8: chooser.gadget V52.1 
 0x6a86ce08: clicktab.gadget V52.1 
 0x6a9a9330: penmap.image V52.1 
 0x6a7c5a20: checkbox.gadget V52.1 
 0x6a9a9430: bitmap.image V52.1 
 0x69e47900: space.gadget V52.1 
 0x69e47450: integer.gadget V52.1 
 0x69e47360: slider.gadget V52.1 
 0x6ba95be0: string.gadget V52.1 
 0x6a86c408: radiobutton.gadget V52.1 
 0x6a786020: requester.class V52.1 
 0x6a86e464: asl.library V52.1 
 0x6a87a370: mathieeesingbas.library V52.1 
 0x6fe153f0: WarpJPEG.datatype V45.5 
 0x6b9764e0: mathieeedoubbas.library V52.1 
 0x6bb748ac: massstorage.usbfd V52.7 
 0x6fe16aa4: usergroup.library V4.29 
 0x6aeb8bf0: label.image V52.1 
 0x6ff90c20: glyph.image V52.1 
 0x6b996be0: button.gadget V52.1 
 0x6b42e8f0: bsdsocket.library V4.286 
 0x6ff90b20: scroller.gadget V52.1 
 0x6b973420: bevel.image V52.1 
 0x6b971518: layout.gadget V52.1 
 0x6ff90a20: drawlist.image V52.1 
 0x6ba2cc7c: textclip.library V52.1 
 0x6bb1aac0: window.class V52.1 
 0x6ba547d0: ilbm.datatype V52.1 
 0x6ba2d8d8: emulation.library V41.438 
 0x6bb80a34: picture.datatype V52.1 
 0x6bb3bbc0: WarpPNG.datatype V45.9 
 0x6ba54344: mpega.library V2.4 
 0x6ba97018: timezone.library V52.1 
 0x6bb454d8: application.library V52.1 
 0x6ff9073c: ft2.library V8.1 
 0x6ff5b7ac: workbench.library V52.1 
 0x6bb3b620: Picasso96API.library V2.343 
 0x6bb44560: gadtools.library V52.1 
 0x6bb403dc: commodities.library V52.1 
 0x6bb23140: datatypes.library V52.1 
 0x6bd070cc: icon.library V52.2 
 0x6bc0a7c8: version.library V52.1 
 0x6bb88430: iffparse.library V52.1 
 0x6fe531cc: locale.library V52.1 
 0x6ff6e7ac: diskfont.library V52.1 
 0x6ff94a98: petunia.library V52.5 
 0x6ff6c3d8: diskcache.library V3.13 
 0x6fe185e8: dos.library V52.12 
 0x6ff6c264: usbprivate.library V52.6 
 0x6ff96e98: bootkeyboard.usbfd V52.2 
 0x6ff96e18: bootmouse.usbfd V52.2 
 0x6ff947ac: hub.usbfd V52.4 
 0x6ff84b5c: usbresource.library V52.6 
 0x6ff96a98: hunk.library V52.2 
 0x6ff94354: elf.library V52.4 
 0x6ff124d0: intuition.library V52.2 
 0x6ff5a150: rtg.library V41.4288 
 0x6ff968a0: ATIRadeon.chip V52.5 
 0x6ff96824: PCIGraphics.card V52.2 
 0x6ffaaa10: keymap.library V52.1 
 0x6ff84a40: layers.library V52.1 
 0x6ffb4420: graphics.library V52.1 
 0x6ff860e4: nonvolatile.library V52.1 
 0x6ffab318: newlib.library V52.33 
 0x6ff951ac: utility.library V52.1 
 0x6ffaa0a8: expansion.library V52.2 
 0x6ae3e1fe: rexxsyslib.library V45.3 (Legacy) 

 0x695193e4: clipboard.device V52.1 
 0x69de92e4: ahi.device V6.6 
 0x6bb74918: usbdisk.device V52.7 
 0x6b435764: eth3com.device V52.1 
 0x6ff84dd0: usbsys.device V52.6 
 0x6ff86730: uhci.usbhcd V52.9 
 0x6ff86524: a1ide.device V52.1 
 0x6ffa8628: console.device V52.2 
 0x6fffe530: ramdrive.device V52.2 
 0x6ff6e3bc: input.device V52.1 
 0x6ffa8314: keyboard.device V52.1 
 0x6ffaa774: gameport.device V52.1 
 0x6fffe410: timer.device V52.1 

 ClickToFront (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x69cc0004 - 0x69cc8ffc, pointer @ 0x69cc8ab0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc000d000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 input.device (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6ff62000 - 0x6ff6a000, pointer @ 0x6ff69f70 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 SFS DosList handler (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6bf4b004 - 0x6bf4dffc, pointer @ 0x6bf4df50 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 USB stack (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fe7c000 - 0x6fe80000, pointer @ 0x6fe7ff50 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf8007000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 UHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fe74000 - 0x6fe7c000, pointer @ 0x6fe7bf20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xbc001000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 a1ide.device - chip 0 port 1 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fe9c000 - 0x6fea4000, pointer @ 0x6fea3f50 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 a1ide.device - chip 0 port 0 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6feb4000 - 0x6febc000, pointer @ 0x6febbf50 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x20000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 eth3com.device (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a779004 - 0x6a781ffc, pointer @ 0x6a781f40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0001000, SigWait 0x10000010 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DH1 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6bf60004 - 0x6bf62ffc, pointer @ 0x6bf62ee0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0000100, SigWait 0x18000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DH0 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fe0d004 - 0x6fe0fffc, pointer @ 0x6fe0fee0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0000100, SigWait 0x18000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CD0 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6bf52004 - 0x6bf54ffc, pointer @ 0x6bf54f40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CD1 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6bf59004 - 0x6bf5bffc, pointer @ 0x6bf5bf40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 RAM (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6bc8f004 - 0x6bc91ffc, pointer @ 0x6bc91ce0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 console.device (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6febc000 - 0x6fec4000, pointer @ 0x6fec3f70 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 dos_flc_handler (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fdf8004 - 0x6fdfaffc, pointer @ 0x6fdfaf40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 dos_nbmd_process (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fdff004 - 0x6fe01ffc, pointer @ 0x6fe01f50 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 RAW (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6bc81004 - 0x6bc83ffc, pointer @ 0x6bc83e30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6bc88004 - 0x6bc8affc, pointer @ 0x6bc8ae30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6bc96004 - 0x6bc98ffc, pointer @ 0x6bc98e30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 AUDIO (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6b480004 - 0x6b487ffc, pointer @ 0x6b487ec0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x69cf4004 - 0x69cfcffc, pointer @ 0x69cfce30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x69cab004 - 0x69cb3ffc, pointer @ 0x69cb3e30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 RANDOM (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6b44f004 - 0x6b457ffc, pointer @ 0x6b457f20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6bbd6004 - 0x6bbdeffc, pointer @ 0x6bbdee30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 ENV (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6bbbd004 - 0x6bbc5ffc, pointer @ 0x6bbc5e30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 MassStorage Device Task (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6aa58004 - 0x6aa60ffc, pointer @ 0x6aa60ed0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf3009000, SigWait 0x00000010 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 RexxMaster [] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6aa1d004 - 0x6aa24ffc, pointer @ 0x6aa24f50 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 TEXTCLIP (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6b48d004 - 0x6b495ffc, pointer @ 0x6b495ee0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Workbench Clipboard Server (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a8a4004 - 0x6a8acffc, pointer @ 0x6a8acf30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 string.gadget server (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a0c5004 - 0x6a0cdffc, pointer @ 0x6a0cde20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x40000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 texteditor.gadget Clipboard Server (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x69dae004 - 0x69ddeffc, pointer @ 0x69ddef30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Workbench DosList Notify (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a85a004 - 0x6a862ffc, pointer @ 0x6a862f70 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00003000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Workbench [Workbench] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6ac94004 - 0x6ac9cffc, pointer @ 0x6ac9ce60 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 LimpidClock (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a107004 - 0x6a137ffc, pointer @ 0x6a1375f0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf0001000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 hub.usbfd (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fe2c000 - 0x6fe34000, pointer @ 0x6fe33f40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xa0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 datatypes.library (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6ba42004 - 0x6ba4affc, pointer @ 0x6ba4af40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00001100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 TCP/IP Log (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6aead004 - 0x6aeb5ffc, pointer @ 0x6aeb5f40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80003000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 USB stack Process (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6b4ba004 - 0x6b4c2ffc, pointer @ 0x6b4c2f40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 ConClip (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6aa4b004 - 0x6aa53ffc, pointer @ 0x6aa53ee0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Background CLI [C:PowerIcons] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a9b0004 - 0x6a9b8ffc, pointer @ 0x6a9b8d30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 RAWBInfo (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x69ce7004 - 0x69cefffc, pointer @ 0x69cefef0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 ASYNCWB (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x69ccd004 - 0x69cd5ffc, pointer @ 0x69cd5ec0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DefIcons (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x69cda004 - 0x69ce2ffc, pointer @ 0x69ce2df0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80009000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 « IPrefs » (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6baf2004 - 0x6bafaffc, pointer @ 0x6bafa580 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x0000f000, SigWait 0xc0000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 muigfx.library (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x69549004 - 0x69557ffc, pointer @ 0x69557f10 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x40001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 application.library messageserver (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6ba55000 - 0x6ba55fa0, pointer @ 0x6ba55f10 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 TCP/IP Configuration (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6ae98004 - 0x6aea0ffc, pointer @ 0x6aea0e40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf8003000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 TCP/IP Superserver [TCP/IP Superserver] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6ae83004 - 0x6ae8bffc, pointer @ 0x6ae8ba30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xd0000080, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 ramlib (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6bbeb004 - 0x6bbf3ffc, pointer @ 0x6bbf3f50 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 reaper.task (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6bbf8004 - 0x6bc00ffc, pointer @ 0x6bc00ee0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00007000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Facts (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6a7bc004 - 0x6a7c3ffc, pointer @ 0x6b764e70 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x7fc00000, SigWait 0x00000180 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 pthread id 1 [] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x65359004 - 0x653d9ffc, pointer @ 0x653d93a0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x28008100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 TCP/IP Control (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6ae5e004 - 0x6ae66ffc, pointer @ 0x6ae66e10 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf8009080, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 AmiDock (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x69d09004 - 0x69d11ffc, pointer @ 0x69d11960 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 OWB (Crashed) 
  Stack: 0x689d7004 - 0x68a57ffc, pointer @ 0x68a57070 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000020, SigWait 0x08000100 
  State: Process (Crashed) 
 Picasso96 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6baff004 - 0x6bb07ffc, pointer @ 0x6bb07df0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 dos_signal_server (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x6fe06004 - 0x6fe08ffc, pointer @ 0x6fe08f50 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x0000e000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 idle.task (Ready) 
  Stack: 0x6ff85000 - 0x6ff86000, pointer @ 0x6ff85fc0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Ready) 
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