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 Recently added crash logs
ID    Application    Short    Version    By    IP    Created    
434    amigaos    QEMU GFX Passthrough    4.1    derfs        20230708 18:30    
433    zitaftpserver    Crash on startup    1.34    derfs    20220918 15:27    
432    pixy    DSI on startup    Alpha 4    eliyahu    20220719 23:32    
431    litexl    The programm crash right away from start    Lite XL OS4 2.0.3r1    TearsOfMe    20220503 07:33    
430    wacomtablet    X5000 with Intuos Pro        Tapio Koivuniemi    20220309 17:53    
429    litexl    Guru on startup    Hypex    20220301 17:38    
428    mediavault    Mediavault    1.5.0    Alessandro Bacchia    20211102 20:54    
427    pixy    DSI on X1000 (start, 1st ever run)    Alpha2    Raziel    20211026 08:27    
426    sshterm    Crash when pasting    1.8    jaokim        20211013 21:58    
425    pixy    DSI on start on my sam 440    1.0    orgin        20210927 12:44    
424    supertuxkart    DSI only after exiting    0.8.1_1.2    328gts    20210421 07:28    
423    srec    Crash on exit (Sam440)    2.6    samo79        20200703 14:43    
422    netsurf    NS.log    3.10 .5171    sinangurkan        20200527 17:57    
421    netsurf    Netsruf nightly build crash    3.10 .5171    sinangurkan    20200527 13:14    
420    netsurf    Netsurf 3.10 crashes with X5000-Beta OS4    3.10    sinangurkan        20200526 18:09    
419    supertuxkart    Guru in single player mode on X1000    0.8.1    328gts    20191226 19:08    
418    mixer    Crashes sometimes at Systemstart    1.42    Maximvs Payne    20190302 05:28    
417    glquake    Crashes on X5000    1.09b7    MaximvsPayne    20190127 15:40    
416    sgrab    OS4 FE X5000 Crash after MUI update R3    1.29    Skateman    20181201 17:30    
415    protracker5_src    closes        andrew    20180327 17:13    
410    blobwars    Certain SOBjs files missing...    2.00    HKvalhe    20171211 19:21    
409    lunaroid    Crash on Click Window at Opening        m1nuto        20171015 09:29    
408    2pnotes    Crashes on launch    2.0.5    m1nuto        20171015 04:44    
407    emotion    Audio crash in Emotion    1.1    samo79        20171007 14:59    
406    emotion    Crash when playing    1.1    samo79        20170501 04:54    
405    adripper    OS4 Final    1.12    Pierre Giroux    20170319 22:58    
404    amicraftnova    guru after hitting create world    Sept22-16    328gts    20160923 05:46    
403    amicraftnova    Random Crash    1.0    Rob    20160921 22:23    
402    odyssey    Odyssey VG.no crash    1.23r4    HKvalhe    20160612 12:53    
400    netsurf    Crash while working with Bookmarks    3.4    tekmage    20160224 18:57    
399    ppaint    freehand dither crashes    7.3a    lazi        20160221 22:23    
398    autoinfo    AutoInfo crash        Joakim Nordström    20151006 20:33    
397    jamiga2    installation eroor from DataCrow 4.1 :(    1.2 (15/08/2013)    voxel        20150904 11:21    
396    atheros5000.device / tcp/ip control    TCP/IP Control randomly freeze with WIFI    1.5    dh1        20150421 22:15    
395    amicraft    Crashed when reaching edge of level    1.4    Rob    20150412 18:21    
394    glquake    Crashing on X1000 with Radeon R9 280        Rob    20150408 16:20    
393    diskimage_device    Grim while trying to register an ISO    53.4    Rainer    20150117 12:16    
392    codebench    Crash when editor font is missing    0.42    ZeroG        20150103 12:02    
391    glquake    Crash after Quake screen opens        ancalimon    20141219 15:58    
390    odyssey    Some pages crashes with SAM460 L2Cache    Odyssey 1.23r3    HKvalhe    20141209 16:07    
389    dvplayer    Crash when dragging a video    0.76    samo79        20141007 05:46    
388    sysmon    Crash on start    4.2    lazi        20140904 13:23    
387    qpdfview    Crashes on my Amiga1XE running 4.1.6    tekmage        20140811 17:58    
386    scummvm    ScummVM 1.7.0 causes GR also with SFS2    1.7.0    HKvalhe    20140729 11:54    
385    odyssey    Crash in MP3 media player    1.23    hypex        20140528 16:26    
384    atheros5000.device / tcp/ip control    Freeze random TCP/IP with WiFi card    1.5    dh1        20140513 14:02    
383    jack    Connection problem on Boot    4.4    Moxee    20140403 23:47    
382    nowined    Crash when removing a button    0.83    samo79        20131229 18:19    
381    odysee (muiowb)    Crash on site www.swedroid.se    1.16    Kicko    20131227 23:28    
380    guidemaker    Crash when adding tabs     0.9    jaokim        20131226 22:10    
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