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 View crashlog
Application:    gcc
Short:    GCC (CC1) crashes on SAM Flex 800MZ
OS4Depot Path:    none
Version:    GNU C version 4.2.4
CreatedBy:    xenic    CreatedAt:    20090913 17:00
Crashlog URL:    http://crashlog.os4depot.net/cl254
GCC in latest SDK release crashes in CC1 when compiling very large sources. Compiling the YAM sources (YAMOS) from the SourceForge SVN repository always crashes in CC1. If the GCC directory in the current SDK is replaced with the GCC directory from the old OS4 SDK (GCC 4.0.2) there is no crash when compiling large sources like YAM. Crashlogs indicate that the crash always occurs in the same place in CC1. The crashes DO NOT occur in the same souce files each time. GCC 4.2.4 does not seem to crash on my µA1 so this problem is specific to the SAM 440ep Flex. Included below the crash log is a dump of the debug buffer for the same crash.
Crash log for task "gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1"
Generated by GrimReaper 52.7
Crash occured in module  at address 0x00000000
Type of crash: ISI (Instruction Storage Interrupt) exception

Register dump:
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
   0: 00000000 579EEB00 00000000 572530B0 3C554E4E 01C997C4 00000013 58374680 
   8: 00000032 579F0000 0000BF20 01DAD806 22002082 57B538F4 00000000 00000000 
  16: 58374680 57B50000 57B50000 57B50000 57B50000 57A808A4 57B50000 57BA0000 
  24: 57B9B75C 00000000 6F7D60D8 57B9B754 572530B0 572530B0 57A80878 572530B0 

FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number):
   0:              nan                0          0.99999                0 
   4:     -4.50979e-08     -7.88885e-10       3.8598e-06                0 
   8:     -8.86216e-11      -0.00392924       4.5036e+15              100 
  12:      6.32851e+06      1.46043e+06                0                0 
  16:                0                0                0                0 
  20:                0                0                0                0 
  24:     2.84809e-306                0                0                0 
  28:                0     -5.04362e-40                0     1.39205e-309 

FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0x82068000

SPRs (Special Purpose Registers):
           Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030
                Condition (cr) : 0x22002084
      Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x00000000
       Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x00000000
                   Count (ctr) : 0x00000000
                     Link (lr) : 0x6FBEAFCC
            DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x00000000
            Data Address (dar) : 0x7FE26BA0

680x0 emulated registers:
DATA: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
ADDR: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 
FPU0:                0                0                0                0 
FPU4:                0                0                0                0 

Symbol info:
Instruction pointer 0x00000000 belongs to module "" (HUNK/Kickstart)

Stack trace:
    module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6FBEB658 (section 5 @ 0x45C638)
    module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6FAFE78C (section 5 @ 0x36F76C)
    module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6FAFED14 (section 5 @ 0x36FCF4)
    module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6FB009A4 (section 5 @ 0x371984)
    module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6FAA34B4 (section 5 @ 0x314494)
    module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6FAA36C0 (section 5 @ 0x3146A0)
    module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6FAF59DC (section 5 @ 0x3669BC)
    module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6F79DF0C (section 5 @ 0xEEEC)
    module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6FA7C408 (section 5 @ 0x2ED3E8)
    module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6F7EC718 (section 5 @ 0x5D6F8)
    native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00001f38
    native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002b84
    native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002d48
    cc1:_start()+0x174 (section 1 @ 0x174)
    native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x0001ea6c
    native kernel module kernel+0x000360d0
    native kernel module kernel+0x00036150

PPC disassembly:
 fffffff8: XXXXXXXX   illegal address
 fffffffc: XXXXXXXX   illegal address
 00000000: XXXXXXXX   illegal address
 00000004: XXXXXXXX   illegal address
 00000008: XXXXXXXX   illegal address

System information:

 Model: AMCC PPC440EP V1.3 
 CPU speed: 799 MHz 
 FSB speed: 133 MHz 

 Machine name: Sam440EP 
 Memory: 1048576 KB 
 Extensions: bus.pci 

Expansion buses 
  00:00.0 Vendor 0x1014 Device 0x027F 
  00:0A.0 Vendor 0x12D8 Device 0x8150 
  00:0C.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x5960 
   Range 0: A8000000 - B0000000 (PREF.MEM) 
   Range 1: 00001000 - 00001100 (IO) 
   Range 2: B0000000 - B0010000 (MEM) 
  00:0C.1 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x5940 
   Range 0: B8000000 - C0000000 (PREF.MEM) 
   Range 1: C0000000 - C0010000 (MEM) 
  00:0E.0 Vendor 0x1095 Device 0x3114 
   Range 0: 00001100 - 00001108 (IO) 
   Range 1: 00001108 - 00001110 (IO) 
   Range 2: 00001110 - 00001118 (IO) 
   Range 3: 00001118 - 00001120 (IO) 
   Range 4: 00001120 - 00001130 (IO) 
  01:04.0 Vendor 0x1013 Device 0x6005 
   Range 0: A0000000 - A0001000 (MEM) 
   Range 1: A0010000 - A0020000 (MEM) 
  01:05.0 Vendor 0x1033 Device 0x0035 
   Range 0: A0020000 - A0021000 (MEM) 
  01:05.1 Vendor 0x1033 Device 0x0035 
   Range 0: A0021000 - A0022000 (MEM) 
  01:05.2 Vendor 0x1033 Device 0x00E0 
   Range 0: A0022000 - A0022100 (MEM) 

 0x01dad806: exec.library V53.8 
 0x5ff62174: vilintuisup.library V0.9 
 0x5ff62048: cgxvideo.library V42.1 
 0x5ff6b0e0: cybergraphics.library V43.0 
 0x57fd05d4: usergroup.library V4.29 
 0x58545a60: bsdsocket.library V4.289 
 0x5803c720: slider.gadget V53.2 
 0x5803c540: getfont.gadget V52.2 
 0x58039660: getfile.gadget V53.2 
 0x580393f8: clicktab.gadget V53.4 
 0x58039160: checkbox.gadget V52.2 
 0x580a2804: asl.library V53.6 
 0x58307578: popupmenu.library V53.1 
 0x58573b28: popupmenu.class V52.2 
 0x580a22b8: listbrowser.gadget V53.6 
 0x583099e0: space.gadget V52.2 
 0x580a50b8: chooser.gadget V53.1 
 0x58081130: penmap.image V52.2 
 0x58081030: bitmap.image V52.2 
 0x58309710: integer.gadget V53.2 
 0x58a9d600: string.gadget V53.2 
 0x594c29c0: requester.class V53.2 
 0x5895f7f0: jpeg.datatype V52.1 
 0x5895c9b8: usbhidgate.library V52.2 
 0x5ff9886c: hid.usbfd V52.6 
 0x58aee670: mathieeedoubbas.library V52.1 
 0x5894aaa0: label.image V52.1 
 0x5ff8ca20: glyph.image V52.2 
 0x58a08090: button.gadget V53.1 
 0x5ff8c920: scroller.gadget V53.2 
 0x58aa4970: bevel.image V52.2 
 0x589a1c88: layout.gadget V53.2 
 0x58af177c: textclip.library V52.2 
 0x5ff8c820: drawlist.image V52.2 
 0x58aee580: window.class V53.2 
 0x58afac70: ilbm.datatype V52.1 
 0x5ff46234: picture.datatype V53.1 
 0x58afa9a0: png.datatype V52.3 
 0x5ff8c73c: ft2.library V52.1 
 0x5ff11c4c: workbench.library V53.4 
 0x58ae0e28: emulation.library V41.444 
 0x58af2c60: Picasso96API.library V2.351 
 0x58af6860: gadtools.library V53.1 
 0x58af4288: timezone.library V52.9 
 0x58af1a68: application.library V52.1 
 0x5fffbcac: commodities.library V52.2 
 0x58b1c140: datatypes.library V52.3 
 0x592e58cc: icon.library V52.6 
 0x58af10e8: version.library V53.1 
 0x58af6140: iffparse.library V52.1 
 0x5ffb5ccc: locale.library V53.1 
 0x5ff8b41c: diskfont.library V53.1 
 0x5ff98918: diskcache.library V3.29 
 0x5fd6f5f4: dos.library V53.3 
 0x5ff62354: usbprivate.library V52.11 
 0x5ff9af2c: massstorage.usbfd V52.9 
 0x5ff9ae98: bootkeyboard.usbfd V52.3 
 0x5ff9ae18: bootmouse.usbfd V52.2 
 0x5ff987ac: hub.usbfd V52.8 
 0x5ff6224c: usbresource.library V52.11 
 0x5ff9aa98: hunk.library V53.2 
 0x5ff98354: elf.library V53.4 
 0x5ff104d0: intuition.library V53.8 
 0x5ff50150: rtg.library V41.4321 
 0x5ff9a820: ATIRadeon.chip V53.6 
 0x5ff9a7a4: PCIGraphics.card V52.3 
 0x5ff9d7a0: keymap.library V52.2 
 0x5ff99550: layers.library V53.1 
 0x5ffb4420: graphics.library V53.1 
 0x5ff8a0e4: nonvolatile.library V52.1 
 0x5ff9e318: newlib.library V53.1 
 0x5ff991ac: utility.library V53.1 
 0x5ff9d0a8: expansion.library V53.1 
 0x5898f1fe: rexxsyslib.library V45.7 (Legacy) 

 0x5ff884c0: usbsys.device V52.11 
 0x5ff8a7d0: ohci.usbhcd V52.10 
 0x5ff8a730: uhci.usbhcd V53.1 
 0x5ff8a664: sii3114ide.device V53.3 
 0x5fffb628: console.device V53.1 
 0x5fff9530: ramdrive.device V52.6 
 0x5ff9d9ec: input.device V52.5 
 0x5fffb314: keyboard.device V52.2 
 0x5fff9410: timer.device V52.4 

 ClickToFront (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5813d004 - 0x58145ffc, pointer @ 0x58145a90 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc000d000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DepthToFront (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58123004 - 0x5812bffc, pointer @ 0x5812ba90 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc000d000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 input.device (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5ff58000 - 0x5ff60000, pointer @ 0x5ff5ff70 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 SFS DosList handler (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x59777004 - 0x59779ffc, pointer @ 0x59779f30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 USB stack (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5fedc000 - 0x5fee0000, pointer @ 0x5fedff20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf8007000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 OHCI Controller Task Unit 1 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5fe2f000 - 0x5fe37000, pointer @ 0x5fe36f30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xb8001000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 OHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5fe47000 - 0x5fe4f000, pointer @ 0x5fe4ef30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xb8001000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 sii3114ide.device - chip 0 port 1 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5fe87000 - 0x5fe8f000, pointer @ 0x5fe8ef20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 page_sweep (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5fe5f004 - 0x5fe66ffc, pointer @ 0x5fe66e80 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 sii3114ide.device - chip 0 port 0 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5feb7000 - 0x5febf000, pointer @ 0x5febef20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x20000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 hid.usbfd (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58849004 - 0x58850ffc, pointer @ 0x58850f00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 HID Consumer (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58816004 - 0x5881effc, pointer @ 0x5881ef40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DH2 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5978c004 - 0x5978effc, pointer @ 0x5978eec0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0000100, SigWait 0x10000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DH4 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x59555004 - 0x59557ffc, pointer @ 0x59557ec0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0000100, SigWait 0x10000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 HID Keyboard (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58823004 - 0x5882bffc, pointer @ 0x5882bf40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xa0001000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 hid.usbfd (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5883d004 - 0x58844ffc, pointer @ 0x58844f00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 reaper.task (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58dc9004 - 0x58dd1ffc, pointer @ 0x58dd1eb0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00007000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DH0 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5fd3c004 - 0x5fd3effc, pointer @ 0x5fd3eec0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0000100, SigWait 0x10000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CD0 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5977e004 - 0x59780ffc, pointer @ 0x59780f30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 RAM (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x592f9004 - 0x592fbffc, pointer @ 0x592fbcb0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DH1 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x59785004 - 0x59787ffc, pointer @ 0x59787ec0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0000100, SigWait 0x10000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DH3 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5954e004 - 0x59550ffc, pointer @ 0x59550ec0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0000100, SigWait 0x10000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DH5 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5955c004 - 0x5955effc, pointer @ 0x5955ef00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xa8000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 HID Mouse (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58830004 - 0x58838ffc, pointer @ 0x58838f40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 hid.usbfd (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58866004 - 0x5886dffc, pointer @ 0x5886df00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xe0000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 pager (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58da4004 - 0x58dc4ffc, pointer @ 0x58dc4f10 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 console.device (Ready) 
  Stack: 0x5ff08000 - 0x5ff10000, pointer @ 0x5ff0ff70 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf0000000, SigWait 0x80000000 
  State: Task (Ready) 
 dos_lock_handler (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5fd27004 - 0x5fd29ffc, pointer @ 0x5fd29ef0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 dos_nbmd_process (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5fd2e004 - 0x5fd30ffc, pointer @ 0x5fd30f30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 RAW (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x59563004 - 0x59565ffc, pointer @ 0x59565df0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x592f2004 - 0x592f4ffc, pointer @ 0x592f4df0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x59300004 - 0x59302ffc, pointer @ 0x59302df0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 AUDIO (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x588b1004 - 0x588b5ffc, pointer @ 0x588b5e70 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 KingCON DOS-process (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x587bf004 - 0x587c2ffc, pointer @ 0x587c2ec0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 KCON (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x589fb004 - 0x589feffc, pointer @ 0x589feed0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58109004 - 0x5810dffc, pointer @ 0x5810ddf0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 CON (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x580bc004 - 0x580c0ffc, pointer @ 0x580c0df0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 KingCON DOS-process (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x584f6004 - 0x584f9ffc, pointer @ 0x584f9ec0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 RANDOM (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x588eb004 - 0x588efffc, pointer @ 0x588eff00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 USBPRT (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x587e0004 - 0x587e4ffc, pointer @ 0x587e4ef0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 KCON (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x584f1004 - 0x584f4ffc, pointer @ 0x584f4ed0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x60000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 ENV (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x59307004 - 0x59309ffc, pointer @ 0x59309e10 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 RexxMaster [] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x589f6004 - 0x589f9ffc, pointer @ 0x589f9f50 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 TEXTCLIP (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x588e2004 - 0x588e6ffc, pointer @ 0x588e6ec0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Workbench [Workbench] (Ready) 
  Stack: 0x5880d004 - 0x58811ffc, pointer @ 0x58811ea0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x80000100 
  State: Process (Ready) 
 Workbench Clipboard Server (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58b17004 - 0x58b1bffc, pointer @ 0x58b1bf10 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 string.gadget server (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58045004 - 0x58049ffc, pointer @ 0x58049df0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x40000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Workbench DosList Notify (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x582ea004 - 0x582eeffc, pointer @ 0x582eef50 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00003000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 hub.usbfd (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5fe03004 - 0x5fe0affc, pointer @ 0x5fe0af20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 hub.usbfd (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5fdf7004 - 0x5fdfeffc, pointer @ 0x5fdfef20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x80000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 hub.usbfd (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5fd87004 - 0x5fd8effc, pointer @ 0x5fd8ef20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 application.library messageserver (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58afc000 - 0x58afcfa0, pointer @ 0x58afcf10 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Waiting) 
 DST watcher (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58a83004 - 0x58a8bffc, pointer @ 0x58a8bf30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 datatypes.library (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58a6a004 - 0x58a6effc, pointer @ 0x58a6ef20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00001100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 ConClip (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x588a8004 - 0x588acffc, pointer @ 0x588acec0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 USB stack Process (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58951004 - 0x58955ffc, pointer @ 0x58955ef0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 RAWBInfo (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58087004 - 0x5808fffc, pointer @ 0x5808fed0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 ASYNCWB (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x580fc004 - 0x58104ffc, pointer @ 0x58104ea0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 DefIcons (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x580c5004 - 0x580cdffc, pointer @ 0x580cddd0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80009000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Exchange (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58130004 - 0x58138ffc, pointer @ 0x58138ba0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xc000d000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 « IPrefs » (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58ae8004 - 0x58aecffc, pointer @ 0x58aec580 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x0000f000, SigWait 0x40000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 AmiDock (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5811a004 - 0x5811effc, pointer @ 0x5811e720 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x7e00d000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 TCP/IP Log (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x57f3a004 - 0x57fb4ffc, pointer @ 0x57fb4f20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80003000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 TCP/IP Configuration (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x57ebb004 - 0x57f35ffc, pointer @ 0x57f35e20 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf8003000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 ramlib (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58b64004 - 0x58b6cffc, pointer @ 0x58b6cf30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Shell Process [make] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58432004 - 0x584acffc, pointer @ 0x584ab9b0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 make.spawn [make] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x57d3e004 - 0x57db8ffc, pointer @ 0x57db8da0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 make.system [gcc] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x57c40004 - 0x57cbaffc, pointer @ 0x57cb9920 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 TCP/IP Superserver [TCP/IP Superserver] (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x57e3c004 - 0x57eb6ffc, pointer @ 0x57eb6a10 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xd0000080, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 TCP/IP Control (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x57dbd004 - 0x57e37ffc, pointer @ 0x57e37df0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0xf8009080, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 Background CLI [gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1] (Crashed) 
  Stack: 0x57933004 - 0x579eeffc, pointer @ 0x579eeb00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000100 
  State: Process (Crashed) 
 Picasso96 (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58ab2004 - 0x58abaffc, pointer @ 0x58abadc0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 ramlib.support (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x58b71004 - 0x58b79ffc, pointer @ 0x58b79f40 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x80004000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 dos_signal_server (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5fd35004 - 0x5fd37ffc, pointer @ 0x5fd37f30 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x0000e000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 dos_filedir_notify (Waiting) 
  Stack: 0x5fd1f004 - 0x5fd22ffc, pointer @ 0x5fd22f00 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x0000c000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Process (Waiting) 
 idle.task (Ready) 
  Stack: 0x5ff89000 - 0x5ff8a000, pointer @ 0x5ff89fd0 (Cookie OK) 
  Signals: SigRec 0x00000000, SigWait 0x00000000 
  State: Task (Ready) 

Debug buffer dump from the same crash:

Dump of context at 0x7FD6B7C0
Trap type: ISI exception
Machine State (raw): 0x0002F030
Machine State (verbose): [ExtInt on] [User] [FPU on] [IAT on] [DAT on] 
Instruction pointer: 0x00000000
Crashed process: gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 (0x58392B30)
 0: 00000000 51E32B00 00000000 5113B168 3C554E4E 01C997C4 00000013 569DC340
 8: 00808080 567C0000 00000310 01DAD806 22002042 569298F4 00000000 00000000
16: 569DC340 56920000 56920000 56920000 56920000 568568A4 56920000 56970000
24: 5697175C 00000000 6F6D30D8 56971754 5113B168 5113B168 56856878 5113B168
CR: 22002044   XER: 20000000  CTR: 00000000  LR: 6FAE7FCC
ESR: 00000000
mcsrr0: 0x00000000
csrr0: 0x00000000

Dump of all active TLB's
MaxTLB = 41, NextTLB = 18
TLB  0: EPN = 0x00159D08 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0003DA74, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x56742000 to 0x0F69D000)
TLB  1: EPN = 0x001444E0 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0003A2CC, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x51138000 to 0x0E8B3000)
TLB  2: EPN = 0x001598F8 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0003DC64, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x5663E000 to 0x0F719000)
TLB  3: EPN = 0x0015A5C4 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00035A54, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x56971000 to 0x0D695000)
TLB  4: EPN = 0x0015936C TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x000425D8, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x564DB000 to 0x10976000)
TLB  5: EPN = 0x001444E8 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0003A2D4, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x5113A000 to 0x0E8B5000)
TLB  6: EPN = 0x001BDDD0 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0003C3A0, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x2D
        (Maps 0x6F774000 to 0x0F0E8000)
TLB  7: EPN = 0x0015975C TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0003DDC8, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x565D7000 to 0x0F772000)
TLB  8: EPN = 0x0017FFE4 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00000024, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x5FFF9000 to 0x00009000)
TLB  9: EPN = 0x0017FE3C TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00000760, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x5FF8F000 to 0x001D8000)
TLB 10: EPN = 0x00162C74 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00021310, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x58B1D000 to 0x084C4000)
TLB 11: EPN = 0x0017FE6C TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00000178, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x5FF9B000 to 0x0005E000)
TLB 12: EPN = 0x001FF8C4 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x000246DC, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x7FE31000 to 0x091B7000)
TLB 13: EPN = 0x001FF5AC TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0002BA3C, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x7FD6B000 to 0x0AE8F000)
TLB 14: EPN = 0x00160C54 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x000254D4, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x58315000 to 0x09535000)
TLB 15: EPN = 0x00160C78 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0002BB74, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x5831E000 to 0x0AEDD000)
TLB 16: EPN = 0x00160C50 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x000254D0, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x58314000 to 0x09534000)
TLB 17: EPN = 0x00160F00 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0002540C, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x583C0000 to 0x09503000)
TLB 18: EPN = 0x0015938C TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x000425F8, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x564E3000 to 0x1097E000)
TLB 19: EPN = 0x00158F6C TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00042A18, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x563DB000 to 0x10A86000)
TLB 20: EPN = 0x00159364 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x000425D0, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x564D9000 to 0x10974000)
TLB 21: EPN = 0x00159764 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0003DDD0, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x565D9000 to 0x0F774000)
TLB 22: EPN = 0x001451E8 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00043554, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x5147A000 to 0x10D55000)
TLB 23: EPN = 0x00158F5C TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00042A08, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x563D7000 to 0x10A82000)
TLB 24: EPN = 0x001BEBA8 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00034B98, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x2D
        (Maps 0x6FAEA000 to 0x0D2E6000)
TLB 25: EPN = 0x0015A484 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00035314, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x56921000 to 0x0D4C5000)
TLB 26: EPN = 0x0017FEA8 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0000013C, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x5FFAA000 to 0x0004F000)
TLB 27: EPN = 0x001478C8 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0003D83C, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x51E32000 to 0x0F60F000)
TLB 28: EPN = 0x00159768 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0003DDD4, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x565DA000 to 0x0F775000)
TLB 29: EPN = 0x00160E48 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00025440, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x58392000 to 0x09510000)
TLB 30: EPN = 0x0015A770 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00034B54, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x569DC000 to 0x0D2D5000)
TLB 31: EPN = 0x001444EC TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0003A2D8, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x5113B000 to 0x0E8B6000)
TLB 32: EPN = 0x001BEBA0 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00035AE0, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x2D
        (Maps 0x6FAE8000 to 0x0D6B8000)
TLB 33: EPN = 0x001BEB9C TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x000420BC, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x2D
        (Maps 0x6FAE7000 to 0x1082F000)
TLB 34: EPN = 0x00144A74 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00043C20, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x5129D000 to 0x10F08000)
TLB 35: EPN = 0x00144AF8 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00043BA4, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x512BE000 to 0x10EE9000)
TLB 36: EPN = 0x00159E24 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00042010, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x56789000 to 0x10804000)
TLB 37: EPN = 0x00159F14 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00035C00, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x567C5000 to 0x0D700000)
TLB 38: EPN = 0x00145210 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0004357C, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x51484000 to 0x10D5F000)
TLB 39: EPN = 0x0015A158 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x00035E44, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x56856000 to 0x0D791000)
TLB 40: EPN = 0x001444E4 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0003A2D0, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x51139000 to 0x0E8B4000)
TLB 41: EPN = 0x00159758 TS = 1, SIZE = 1
        RPN = 0x0003DDC4, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x565D6000 to 0x0F771000)
TLB 42: EPN = 0x00007980 TS = 1, SIZE = 3
        RPN = 0x00007980, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x01E60000 to 0x01E60000)
TLB 43: EPN = 0x00007940 TS = 1, SIZE = 3
        RPN = 0x00007940, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x01E50000 to 0x01E50000)
TLB 44: EPN = 0x00007900 TS = 1, SIZE = 3
        RPN = 0x00007900, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x01E40000 to 0x01E40000)
TLB 45: EPN = 0x00007800 TS = 1, SIZE = 4
        RPN = 0x00007800, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x01E00000 to 0x01E00000)
TLB 46: EPN = 0x00007400 TS = 1, SIZE = 5
        RPN = 0x00007400, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x01D00000 to 0x01D00000)
TLB 47: EPN = 0x00007000 TS = 1, SIZE = 5
        RPN = 0x00007000, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0x01C00000 to 0x01C00000)
TLB 48: EPN = 0x00006C00 TS = 1, SIZE = 5
        RPN = 0x00006C00, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x2D
        (Maps 0x01B00000 to 0x01B00000)
TLB 49: EPN = 0x00006800 TS = 1, SIZE = 5
        RPN = 0x00006800, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x2D
        (Maps 0x01A00000 to 0x01A00000)
TLB 50: EPN = 0x00006400 TS = 1, SIZE = 5
        RPN = 0x00006400, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x2D
        (Maps 0x01900000 to 0x01900000)
TLB 51: EPN = 0x00006000 TS = 1, SIZE = 5
        RPN = 0x00006000, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x2D
        (Maps 0x01800000 to 0x01800000)
TLB 52: EPN = 0x00005C00 TS = 1, SIZE = 5
        RPN = 0x00005C00, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0xB
        (Maps 0x01700000 to 0x01700000)
TLB 53: EPN = 0x00005800 TS = 1, SIZE = 5
        RPN = 0x00005800, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0xB
        (Maps 0x01600000 to 0x01600000)
TLB 54: EPN = 0x00005400 TS = 1, SIZE = 5
        RPN = 0x00005400, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0xB
        (Maps 0x01500000 to 0x01500000)
TLB 55: EPN = 0x00005000 TS = 1, SIZE = 5
        RPN = 0x00005000, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0xB
        (Maps 0x01400000 to 0x01400000)
TLB 56: EPN = 0x00004C00 TS = 1, SIZE = 5
        RPN = 0x00004C00, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0xB
        (Maps 0x01300000 to 0x01300000)
TLB 57: EPN = 0x00004800 TS = 1, SIZE = 5
        RPN = 0x00004800, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0xB
        (Maps 0x01200000 to 0x01200000)
TLB 58: EPN = 0x00004400 TS = 1, SIZE = 5
        RPN = 0x00004400, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0xB
        (Maps 0x01100000 to 0x01100000)
TLB 59: EPN = 0x00004000 TS = 1, SIZE = 5
        RPN = 0x00004000, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0xB
        (Maps 0x01000000 to 0x01000000)
TLB 60: EPN = 0x00380000 TS = 0, SIZE = 9
        RPN = 0x00380000, WIMG = 0x5 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0xE0000000 to 0xE0000000)
TLB 61: EPN = 0x00380000 TS = 1, SIZE = 9
        RPN = 0x00380000, WIMG = 0x5 XWRXWR = 0x1B
        (Maps 0xE0000000 to 0xE0000000)
TLB 62: EPN = 0x00040000 TS = 0, SIZE = 9
        RPN = 0x00040000, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x3F
        (Maps 0x10000000 to 0x10000000)
TLB 63: EPN = 0x00000000 TS = 0, SIZE = 9
        RPN = 0x00000000, WIMG = 0x0 XWRXWR = 0x3F
        (Maps 0x00000000 to 0x00000000)

Registers pointing to code:
r5 : module Kickstart/kernel at 0x01C997C4 (section 1 @ 0x497C8)
r11: module Kickstart/kernel at 0x01DAD806 (section 1 @ 0x15D80A)
r13: module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x569298F4 (section 4 @ 0xD8D4)
r17: module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x56920000 (section 4 @ 0x3FE0)
r18: module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x56920000 (section 4 @ 0x3FE0)
r19: module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x56920000 (section 4 @ 0x3FE0)
r20: module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x56920000 (section 4 @ 0x3FE0)
r21: module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x568568A4 (section 6 @ 0x91884)
r22: module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x56920000 (section 4 @ 0x3FE0)
r23: module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x56970000 (section 4 @ 0x53FE0)
r24: module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x5697175C (section 4 @ 0x5573C)
r26: module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6F6D30D8 (section 5 @ 0x470B8)
r27: module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x56971754 (section 4 @ 0x55734)
r30: module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x56856878 (section 6 @ 0x91858)
ip : unknown (0x00000000)
lr : module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6FAE7FCC (section 5 @ 0x45BFAC)
ctr: unknown (0x00000000)

Stack Backtrace:
(0x51E32B20) module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6FAE8658 (section 5 @ 0x45C638)
(0x51E32B30) module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6F9FB78C (section 5 @ 0x36F76C)
(0x51E32B60) module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6F9FBD14 (section 5 @ 0x36FCF4)
(0x51E32B80) module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6F9FD9A4 (section 5 @ 0x371984)
(0x51E32BF0) module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6F9A04B4 (section 5 @ 0x314494)
(0x51E32C20) module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6F9A06C0 (section 5 @ 0x3146A0)
(0x51E32C40) module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6F9F29DC (section 5 @ 0x3669BC)
(0x51E32C80) module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6F69AF0C (section 5 @ 0xEEEC)
(0x51E32CB0) module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6F979408 (section 5 @ 0x2ED3E8)
(0x51E32D00) module gcc:libexec/gcc/ppc-amigaos/4.2.4/cc1 at 0x6F6E9718 (section 5 @ 0x5D6F8)
(0x51E32D10) module Kickstart/newlib.library.kmod at 0x019FA538 (section 0 @ 0x1F3C)
(0x51E32D80) module Kickstart/newlib.library.kmod at 0x019FB184 (section 0 @ 0x2B88)
(0x51E32F20) module Kickstart/newlib.library.kmod at 0x019FB348 (section 0 @ 0x2D4C)
(0x51E32F60) cc1:_start()+0x174 (section 1 @ 0x174)
(0x51E32FA0) module Kickstart/dos.library.kmod at 0x018EF24C (section 0 @ 0x1EA70)
(0x51E32FC0) module Kickstart/kernel at 0x018360D0 (section 0 @ 0x360D4)
(0x51E32FD0) module Kickstart/kernel at 0x01836150 (section 0 @ 0x36154)
(0x00000000) module Kickstart/kernel at 0x01DAD806 (section 1 @ 0x15D80A)
WARNING: Backchain pointer loops

Disassembly of crash site:
 FFFFFFF0: 01806DD0   .word             0xFFFFFFF0
 FFFFFFF4: 01806DD0   .word             0xFFFFFFF4
 FFFFFFF8: 01806DD0   fmsub             f31,f31,f31,f31
 FFFFFFFC: 01806DD0   fnmsub            f31,f31,f31,f31
>00000000: 01806DD0   .word             0x00000000
 00000004: 01DAD806   .word             0x01DAD806
 00000008: 01806DD0   .word             0x00000008
 0000000C: 01806DD0   .word             0x0000000C
 00000010: 01806DD0   .word             0x00000010
 00000014: 01806DD0   .word             0x00000014
Stack pointer (0x51E32B00) is inside bounds
Redzone is OK (4)

68k register dump
DATA: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ADDR: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Copyright (c) 2004-2024 by Björn Hagström. All Rights Reserved